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How does the national economy suffer from the war that russia is waging against Ukraine? What are the most urgent problems of the IP sphere were identified during the diagnostic stage of the National IP Strategy development? How can the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) help the Ukrainian IP sphere? 

This was discussed during the meeting of the Ukrainian IP office’s leadership with representatives of the UK IPO and the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the World Trade Organization. The meeting took place on 17 July 2024 on the sidelines of the WIPO General Assembly.

Participants of the meeting:

  • Sarah Roberts-Fewell, Deputy Director of Business and International Policy at the UK Intellectual Property Office's Business and International Policy Directorate (Newport);
  • Diana Passinke, Senior Policy Advisor, Directorate for Business and International Policy, UK Intellectual Property Office (London);
  • Valeriano Simone, Intellectual Property Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the World Trade Organization (Geneva);
  • Olena Orliuk, Director UANIPIO;
  • Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director, UANIPIO;
  • Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director, UANIPIO.

Olena Orliuk expressed gratitude to the colleagues from the UK for their cooperation and leadership in supporting Ukraine, in particular at the WIPO platforms. She highlighted the activities of the IP Office and shared the plans for the Ukrainian IP sphere development, innovation and creative sectors, despite the extremely difficult conditions of the ongoing full-scale war.

“In the face of constant cyber threats, problems with power supply, limited resources to upgrade digital infrastructure, the Ukrainian IP Office continues to work”, -  assured Olena Orliuk.

According to Bogdan Paduchak, the First Deputy Director of the IP Office, the needs of Ukraine, the IP community and the national IP agency are changing rapidly due to the full-scale invasion:

“The national economy is suffering from the negative consequences of the ongoing russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Currently, almost 26% of Ukraine's territory is temporarily occupied. The national business and research institutions are in a rather difficult financial and economic situation, as many of them have been displaced as a result of the hostilities and temporary occupation.”

According to Olena Orliuk, the Ukrainian IP Office is working tirelessly with innovators and startups, SMEs, and creative industries to strengthen their activities with IP protection and commercialization mechanisms. She also thanked for the trainings organized at the initiative of the UK in the field of creative industries, which were attended by Ukrainian representatives.

“Due to the active hostilities and massive rocket attacks, many cultural heritage sites and infrastructure have been either destroyed or severely damaged. UNESCO estimates that the total cost of damage to the culture and tourism sector in Ukraine over the past two years is almost USD 3.5 billion. That is why it is very important for us to make every effort in each activity area related to IP. As well as to teach and popularize IP culture in Ukraine,” stated Olena Orliuk.

Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director of the IP Office, shared the status and plans for the IPR protection issues development in the functioning of the Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations. Particular attention was paid to the operation of the IPR's Infringement Monitoring Center and the Mediation Center.

The participants of the meeting also discussed the prospects for harmonization of Ukraine's IP regulatory framework with EU legislation and further implementation of Chapter 9 “Intellectual Property” of the 2020 Agreement on Political Cooperation, Free Trade and Strategic Partnership between Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

In conclusion, Olena Orliuk and Bogdan Paduchak called on the representatives of the UK Intellectual Property Office to work together to implement the recently adopted decision of the 65th WIPO Assembly on the continued support of Ukraine, its innovation and creative sectors and IP system, in particular, on the practical implementation of paragraph (c) of this decision to ensure the observance of the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders in publications on WIPO resources and platforms.

“Our firm position is that a terrorist country cannot have such privileges from WIPO,” the Director of the Ukrainian IP Office is convinced.


Read other news from the WIPO General Assembly:

Ukraine's progress towards full membership in the EU means preserving the powerful creative and technological potential of our people. That is why national authority (IP Office), as an International Search Authority (ISA) and International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA), is working to develop an innovation infrastructure that will support inventors and creators, promote the protection of intellectual property and enhance the country's defense capability.

This was emphasized by Olena Orliuk, Director of Ukrainian IP Office, during the bilateral meeting with the representatives of the European Patent Office (EPO), which took place within the framework of the 65th series of meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which is currently taking place in Geneva (Switzerland).

The European Patent Office was represented by:

  • Antonio Campinos, President;
  • Mariana Karepova, Principal Director European and International Affairs and Principal Advisor to the President;
  • Nikolaos Chardalias, Lead IP5, International Organisations and Global Users;
  • Nelson das Neves, Lead, Regional Desk Americas, Africa and ASEAN.

Ukrainian IP Office was represented by:

  • Olena Orliuk, Director of Ukrainian IP Office;
  • Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director of the IP Office.

First of all, Olena Orliuk thanked Antonio Campinos and the European Patent Office for the support provided by the EPO to Ukraine in the process of its integration into the EU, as well as for the support of the Ukrainian national office.

"The assistance of the international community is extremely important for countering the russian aggressor, whose actions have a negative impact not only on Ukraine, but also on the whole world," said Olena Orliuk.

She spoke about the latest achievements of the IP Office and urged to read the Annual Report of the UANIPIO, as well as publications and reports on the projects of the TISC network, Mediation Center, IPR Infringement Monitoring Center, The IP Academy and the Information dashboard illustrating the main indicators of the IP Office's work in 2023.

Representatives also shared with the EPO management how the IP system and the Ukrainian IP Office operate in the context of constant security threats and the enormous challenges of russia's aggressive war. The discussion of the recent atrocious attacks provoked clear condemnation and support from European colleagues.

In addition, Olena Orliuk informed that Ukraine is working on the National IP Strategy for the period up to 2030, which will respond to all challenges, including those related to the russian aggression:

"This document is being developed by a large team of national and international experts with the support of WIPO. We are doing our best to make this leading strategic document an example not only for the intellectual property sector," assured Director of the IP Office.

Vladyslav Bilotskyi shared information on new mechanisms, which Ukraine is introducing to improve the effectiveness of intellectual property rights enforcement, in particular:

  • Mediation Center operates on the basis of the IP Office, which is working on the development of IP mediation,
  • IPR Infringement Monitoring Center, whose main mission is to bring together representatives of law enforcement and customs authorities, right holders and business to fight against counterfeiting and piracy.

Outlining general business trends, Olena Orliuk shared her observation:

"We see a new trend - national technology businesses and innovative SMEs are deepening ties with the US and European markets, especially in the context of military and defence innovations. We are interested in opportunities to support our businesses through the SME Fund (SME Fund) in the European area."

Finally, Director of National IP Office thanked the EPO for its participation in the EU4IP EU-funded project. According to her, this project is one of the main platforms for assisting Ukraine in preparing the IP sector for the EU market.

She also thanked her colleagues for including our inventor Valentyn Frechka in the list of nomination finalists “Young Inventors Prize” in European Inventor Award.

"We are happy to continue cooperation with EPO experts at the IP Academy trainings. Thank you for patent search tools and EPO services, which have become very useful for our expertise and development. I hope that we will be able to continue our cooperation within these services," concluded Olena Orliuk.


Read other news from the WIPO General Assembly:

In lengthy and exhausting discussions and despite the significant resistance of russia and its supporters, the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has decided to continue providing assistance and support to the innovative and creative sectors and the IP system of Ukraine. 

On 15 July 2024, the plenary session of the 65th series of meetings of the Assemblies of the WIPO member states was devoted to the issue of support for Ukraine and the negative impact of russia’s war of aggression.

The Report on the Assistance and Support for Ukraine`s Innovation and Creativity sector and IP system was presented by WIPO Director General Daren Tang and Director of the Division for Transition and Developed Countries (TDC) WIPO Habip Asan. 

The WIPO leadership reported on support measures, development projects and strengthening close cooperation with both Ukrainian officials and a wide range of stakeholders in the national IP sphere. We also drew attention to the positive results of joint work within the framework of the development of the National IP Strategy, National IP & Innovation Hub, IP Academy projects and the TISC network, etc.

WIPO will continue to identify working closely with the Government of Ukraine those areas where support is most needed and to provide concrete benefits to innovators, creators and members of the IP community in Ukraine. We will also focus on recovery so that Ukraine’s innovative and creative ecosystems are ready to support rebuilding efforts and the revitalization of the country’s economy. I have stated before and I will say it again: peace is essential for innovation and creativity to thrive. Let us hope that peace soon return to Ukraine," said Daren Tang.


Statement of the Ukrainian Government Delegation

While delivering the statement, Olena Orliuk, Director of the Ukrainian IP office, speaking on behalf of the entire national intellectual property and innovation community, expressed her gratitude to the leadership and Secretariat of WIPO and all WIPO member states, which demonstrate the best examples of solidarity and support for Ukraine in this extremely difficult time of russian aggression. These commitments of member states demonstrate to the global IЗ community our strength in the face of the greatest challenges.

Ukraine has repeatedly stated on various international platforms, both at the United Nations and within WIPO, the consequences of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine have reached a global scale and have long gone beyond not only the regional but also the continental level," said Olena Orliuk.

Although this year’s World IP Day was dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals – problems of global security, food, energy, environmental and even nuclear crisis – the russian federation’s aggression against Ukraine has given a completely new meaning to the values of sustainable development.

Ukraine is the first country in the world to collect evidence of ecocide. russian aggression undermines our collective fight against the climate crisis. Ukraine is suffering from the most destructive form of russia's vision of energy as a weapon. They have destroyed almost all of Ukraine's thermal power generation. This has a huge impact on our IP Office's ability to work and support national stakeholders. We are already working on a generator for 10 to 16 hours a day", – stated the Director of the Ukrainian IP office.

What the Ukrainian delegation called on

The Director of the IP office also recalled how russia once again despised international principles and demonstrated disrespect for the entire IP community. Last week, russia registered the designation “Melitopol Cherry”, which is a Ukrainian geographical indication from 2020.

On behalf of the Ukrainian government delegation, Olena Orliuk asked the WIPO International Bureau to take all necessary practical measures to prevent the abuse of WIPO platforms in accordance with UN resolutions on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

She called for the only possible effective response to russia’s brutal actions:

  • close the WIPO External Office in moscow;
  • suspend funding of any WIPO projects for russia;
  • cease cooperation with russian officials and press them to immediately stop using the intellectual property, platforms and resources of WIPO to legitimise their illegal occupation of Ukraine's territories;
  • continue support and assist measures for Ukraine with constant monitoring of their implementation.

Only through unity and courage in the face of this threat can we achieve the high goals and mission of this Organization, for the threat posed by the Russian Federation has long become a global concern.

The following Member States made their statements in support of Ukraine and WIPO activities according to the presented Report:

  • Moldova on behalf of the Group of Central European and BalticStates (CEBS, which includes Ukraine),
  • The Netherlands on behalf of Group B,
  • Hungary on behalf of the EU member states,
  • as well as the United Kingdom, USA, Portugal, France, Japan, Canada, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Australia, Italy, Korea, New Zealand, Denmark, Lithuania, Albania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Latvia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Austria, Spain, Croatia, Belgium, Slovenia.


Support for the civilised world and resistance to Russia

The delegation of Moldova on behalf of the CEBS Group and the delegation of the Netherlands on behalf of Group B made a joint proposal to the draft of a new decision to support and assist the innovation, creativity and IP sector of Ukraine (Document A/65/8).

The joint proposal is to take note of the Report on assistance and support of Ukraine in view of the continued negative impacts of the ongoing war on Ukraine's innovation and creativity sector and IP system and to request the International Bureau:

  • to continue close cooperation with Ukraine to ensure its ongoing support and assistance to the creators, innovators, and members of the IP community, focusing on mitigating the adverse effects of the war and rebuilding an innovative and creative ecosystem in Ukraine that benefits all stakeholders and strengthens the country’s economy;
  • provide an updated assessment of the medium and long-term impacts of the war on Ukraine’s innovation and creativity sector and ecosystem;
  • to take steps to ensure that publications on WIPO resources and platforms comply with the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders;
  • to report on the implementation of this decision and other relevant activities at the 2025 WIPO Assemblies, and annually thereafter.

During the discussion of this project, representatives of many countries around the globe expressed in favor of supporting the Ukrainian IP sphere and confirmed full solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The IP system of Ukraine is not broken, on the contrary – it showed unprecedented resilience. But it has suffered and continues to suffer heavy losses. Accordingly, the delegations announced the further support of Ukraine and the IP sphere, innovative and creative sectors as long as needed.

At the same time, russia made an alternative proposal – the WIPO Report to take into account, but not to support it, shifting the consideration of this issue to one of the WIPO working committees. This proposal was supported by Belarus and other supporters of neglect of international law.

Since consensus during informal consultations and discussions in the meeting room on this issue failed, WIPO for the third time resorted to atypical practice – voting, which ended around midnight on July 15, 2024.

This proposal was made by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva Yevheniia Filipenko. On behalf of the delegation of Ukraine, she requested to roll-call vote on the joint proposal of the CEBS Group and Group B and shared the following reservations:

The aggressor state has neither the legal nor moral right to submit any proposals to help and support the Ukrainian sector of innovation and creativity, the system of intellectual property, when it has been deliberately and tirelessly destroying it for 29 months, including through the occupation and expropriation of Ukrainian assets and intellectual property.

According to Yevheniia Filipenko, the only proposal of this delegation, which Ukraine can support, is the proposal of the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders and a return to respect for international law and WIPO principles.

She called on delegates to reaffirm their country’s true commitment to WIPO and the principles of the UN Charter and international law, which are fundamental not only for the work of WIPO, but also for the existence of all its member states.

Results of voting

According to the results of the vote, 64 countries voted “in favour” of the joint proposal of the CEBS Group and Group B, 11 countries voted “against”.

Thus, the General Assembly expressed its consistent support for Ukraine, as it was in 2023 and 2022, and provided practical tools for further counteraction to Russia’s legitimisation of its illegal temporary occupation of the territories of Ukraine within the framework of WIPO.

The WIPO International Bureau reaffirmed its commitment to close cooperation with Ukraine and its intention to continue to provide comprehensive support and assistance to the innovative and creative sector and the intellectual property system of Ukraine in order to restore the IP ecosystem and strengthen the country’s economy.

Welcoming the decision of the WIPO General Assembly, Yevheniia Filipenko thanked all those delegations who supported the important mission of WIPO, the UN Charter and the victims of russian aggression.

“Today we have confirmed together that the WIPO mission is important for all of us,” summed up the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva.

Recall that the Ukrainian delegation on the sidelines of the WIPO General Assembly is represented by:

  • Vitaliy Kindrativ, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine;
  • Yevheniia Filipenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva;
  • Ramiz Ramazanov, Advisor of the Economic Department of Permanent Mission;
  • Olena Orliuk, Director of the Ukrainian IP Office;
  • Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director of IP Office;
  • Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director of IP Office;
  • Inna Dmytrenko, Head of Unit of Cooperation with National and International Institutions in Intellectual Property Sphere of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine;
  • Andriy Anisimov, Counsellor of General Director of UIIP.


Read other news from the WIPO General Assembly:

During the most significant annual event for the intellectual property sphere - the WIPO General Assembly - russian officials, in particular the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), decided to deliberately remind everyone they do not care about the principles of the UN Charter, the high mission and vision of WIPO.

This morning, the global IP community found out that russia has appropriated the Melitopol Cherry geographical indication (GI), registered in Ukraine in 2020, with the defined geographical boundaries of the city of Melitopol and its surrounding settlements. Unfortunately, after February 24, 2022, these territories were temporarily occupied by Russian troops.

The First Deputy of the Ukrainian IP Office Bogdan Paduchak stated it on July 12 during his speech on agenda item 12 "Madrid System" at the 65th series of meetings of the Assemblies of WIPO Member States.

He informed international community that today Rospatent announced the registration of a regional brand in so-called "new regions of the russian federation," quoting a russian official who said the registration of this GI from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine "is only the beginning, and that many more will follow."

“Russia cynically disrespected the global intellectual property community during the General Assembly, and once again demonstrated to the world that there are no moral boundaries for them and that the provisions of international agreements and rules do not apply to them”, - stated Bogdan Paduchak

He added that over the past year, at these Assemblies and other WIPO venues, the Ukrainian delegation has stated that IP has become a hostage and a weapon in the hands of the terrorist state:

“If someone did not believe us last time, today we see a direct and indisputable example of this statement. In addition to oppression, occupation, deportation and concentration camps, Russia has inflicted even more harm on the population of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine by stealing their traditions and intellectual property.

As stated in the Preamble to the WIPO Convention, the Contracting Parties agreed to establish this Organization in order to contribute to better understanding and cooperation among States for their mutual benefit, On The Basis Of Respect for Their Sovereignty and Equality. Such a blatant violation should be responded to within WIPO” - Bogdan Paduchak is convinced.

The representative of the Ukrainian delegation strongly called for the only possible effective response of WIPO to such actions:

  • closing the WIPO external office in moscow;
  • termination of funding for any WIPO projects for Russia;
  • ceasing cooperation with Russian officials and putting pressure on them to immediately stop using WIPO's intellectual property, platforms and resources to legitimize the illegal occupation of Ukraine's territories;
  • and, as a result, to decide that Russia does not deserve a seat in this Assembly.

He also expressed a protest against the introduction of the russian language into the Madrid system:

“Following the recent discussion within the Madrid Working Group, we recall that while we are not opposed to the idea of introducing new languages, we find insufficient justification for the Russian language introduction in the Madrid System”.

This position of Ukraine, along with the condemnation of Russia's actions, was supported by the delegations of Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Croatia. Moldova, on behalf of the CEBS member states, stated that it was impossible to make a decision on the introduction of the language of the aggressor country in the Madrid system.


Read other news from the WIPO General Assembly:

The activity of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) is an important indicator of how the IP sphere will move in the global perspective. 

This was stated in the speech of Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director of the Ukrainian IP Office, during the consideration on Agenda Item 10 (iv) "Report on the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) and Review of the Implementation of the DARs" at the 65th series of meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO. The representative of the Ukrainian delegation announced this statement on July 11, 2024.

According to Bogdan Paduchak, Ukraine has been involved in many projects of the CDIP Committee. In particular, a long-term training program for trainers for the national IP Academy has been completed, the process of joining the WIPO Lex Judgments initiative that has been completed, and effective cooperation with the WIPO Judicial Institute has been established.

In addition, the IPRs mechanisms protection were strengthened on the national legislation’s level within the framework of the WIPO Alert initiative.

“All of them increase our potential and give a boost to development even in extremely difficult conditions of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine,” – he said.

Bogdan Paduchak noted that, in the future, Ukraine will be happy to join the implementation of new projects, such as:

  • Project on enhancing the Capacities of National Intellectual Property Offices in Times of Crisis;
  • Project on Enhancing IP Education Capacities of Artistic and Creative Academic Institutions to Foster Creativity.

“We sincerely thank Member States for preparing and supporting these projects. We reiterate our gratitude to the Dear Director General Mr. Daren Tang for the Report on Implementing the Development Agenda. We highly acknowledge the globally beneficial activities of the WIPO Sectors. Due to this work, we will witness even more progress and development that will bring us closer to achieving the relevant Sustainable Development Goals and a lasting and peaceful future”, -  said Bogdan Paduchak.

It is worth reminding that during the 32nd session of the CDIP Committee this year, Ukraine served as the coordinator of the CEBS regional group for the first time.


Read other news from the WIPO General Assembly:

How Ukraine’s intellectual and innovative infrastructure is developing despite the Russian war of aggression and the genocide it is committing against Ukrainians? How does the Ukrainian IP Office work in conditions of security threats, constant cyber-attacks, and long power outages, even generators fail to withstand? In addition, what can the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) conduct to support the innovative and creative potential of Ukrainians, the national IP system, and Ukraine as a whole?

These issues were discussed during the bilateral meeting between Olena Orliuk, Director of the Ukrainian IP Office and WIPO Director General Daren Tang. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the WIPO General Assembly, which is currently taking place in Geneva (Switzerland).

WIPO was represented by:

  • Daren Tang, Director General, WIPO;
  • Hassan Kleib, Deputy Director General, WIPO
  • Virag Halgand, Head, Section for Central European and Baltic States Countries and Mediterranean Countries, TDC, WIPO;
  • Mihaela Zerbari Simmons, Program Officer, Section for Central European and Baltic States Countries and Mediterranean Countries, TDC, WIPO.

The Ukrainian delegation at the bilateral meeting was represented by:

  • Olena Orliuk, Director of the Ukrainian IP Office;
  • Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director of the IP Office;
  • Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director of the IP Office;
  • Inna Dmytrenko, Head, Unit for Cooperation with National and International IP Institutions, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

First of all, Olena Orliuk expressed her deep gratitude to the WIPO Director General for the preparation of this session of the WIPO Assemblies, the updated Report on Assistance and Support to Ukraine, as well as for the support and expertise shared by the WIPO team in the course of the National IP Strategy development.

Daren Tang expressed his absolute support to the Ukrainian people and the National IP Office in these difficult circumstances and assured that WIPO will continue to contribute to this effort within its competence and capabilities.

The parties also agreed on further steps of cooperation to improve Ukraine's national IP legislation and practices, implement development projects, and fulfill the Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between the Ministry of Economy and WIPO.

Discussing the impact of the war on all activity spheres, Olena Orliuk drew the attention of the meeting participants to one of the recent publications in the Russian media, which justified the bombing of a children's hospital and stated that further bombing of civilians and infrastructure was reasonable: "because there are no civilians in Ukraine, only enemies live in Ukraine."

"This is pure genocide against the Ukrainian people. The people who live in the largest European country by territory. A nation with high intellectual and innovative results. The people who gave the world high technologies and created helicopters, aeroplanes, space rockets and artificial satellites," said the representative of the Ukrainian delegation.

Olena Orliuk emphasized the leading role of WIPO in supporting IP development projects implemented in Ukraine. According to her, WIPO and other member states’ experience in the field of innovations is a solid foundation for Ukraine's progress. Using this experience, Ukraine focuses its efforts on improving national position in the Global Innovation Index (GII).

"However, I am sure that our experience is unique - when, in the context of an ongoing full-scale war, a country under daily attack still shows great success in recovering innovation activity, in creative development, and in building the IP sphere. We have active inventors and creators. We have a very wide range of activities of our office - and all this is presented in our Annual Report," Olena Orliuk remarked.

Discussing main achievements of the national agency, she noted that the National IP & Innovations Hub is working on the implementation of Intellectual Property Policies for universities developed according to the WIPO methodology, and has established close partnerships with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and more than 50 leading universities of Ukraine, the vast majority of which are members of the TISC network.

In addition, the National IP & Innovations Hub is constantly expanding the activities of regional innovation hubs and has launched projects for small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, women and veterans.

Ukrainian IP Academy has trained national trainers with the support of WIPO, and last year it held almost 90 educational events for experts, students, and children on IP issues. In particular, for children who were receiving treatment at the Ohmatdyt hospital, which closely cooperates with the IP Academy. With the support of WIPO, trainings for teachers were held and candidates for patent attorneys were prepared for certification.

" And all of this - in the face of rocket attacks. In the face of electricity problems. When the office is working on a generator for 10 (ten) to 16 (sixteen) hours a day. When the equipment is not able to resist high temperatures. Under constant cyber-attacks. But we are working. That is why it is very important for us that WIPO continues to support us," assured Olena Orliuk.

She also noted that Russia continues to disregard all international norms and principles in the field of Intellectual Property.

In particular, recently, Rospatent registered the Geographical Indication (GI) "Melitopol Cherry" as a regional brand, which is original product from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Although the Melitopol Cherry GI was registered in Ukraine in 2020. At the same time, the Rospatent states that they are ready to continue registering brands of producers of goods and services from so-called "new regions" - the territories occupied during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

"We deeply appreciate your help but to continue our activity and to keep our business continues to work in extremely difficult realities, we need even more of your support" - said Olena Orliuk.

She called upon:

  • Keeping the issue of Ukraine on the agenda of the WIPO General Assembly;
  • Continuing monitoring and documenting the negative consequences of the war;
  • Providing expert support and assistance in the development of technologies;
  • Assisting in finding partners and funds for financial assistance and development of technological resources and infrastructure.

Finally, the Director of the Ukrainian IP Office suggested working together on the issue of the WIPO external office in Moscow:

"Our strong position is that a terrorist state cannot have such a privilege from WIPO," summarized Olena Orliuk.


Read also:

This year’s most important event for the IP sphere, the Sixty-Fifth Series of Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), is ongoing in Geneva. There, the Ukrainian delegation, together with more than 1,400 distinguished delegates from all around the world, partake in making strategic policy decisions that will ensure the world’s sustainable development through the effective use of intellectual property regulatory measures.

Today, the Assembly of the WIPO Member States continued considering the Agenda item on General statements, and the russian federation, having tried its knavish tricks repeatedly before, attempted to use the WIPO platform to spread its propaganda and disinformation again.

In its Reactive statement, in response to multiple statements of continued support for Ukraine and condemning of inhumane directed attack against the National Children’s Specialised Hospital “Okhmatdyt made by other WIPO Member States, the russian delegation attempted to spread disinformation on the missile attack against the clinic.

This was an obvious and cynical lie intended for the global audience and could not be left unaddressed by the Ukrainian delegation. In its Response, the Ukrainian delegation disproved all the disinformation:

We have just heard another russia’s attempt to justify its war crimes in Ukraine and litter the international community with its propaganda. Ukraine will act in every possible way to bring russia accountable for every war crime committed in Ukraine, including this bombing of the children’s hospital”, - said Mr Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director, Ukrainian IP Office.

In this 65th Series of WIPO Member States’ Assemblies, Ukraine is represented by:

  • The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
  • The Standing Representation of Ukraine before the UN and other international organisations in Geneva and
  • The Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations (the Ukrainian IP Office) representatives.

The World Intellectual Property Organization’s assistance to Ukraine’s innovative and creative sectors and IP system is among the Agenda items scheduled for discussion at this Series of WIPO Member States’ Assemblies.


Read also:

Cooperation within the framework of the Memorandum will support both countries in the process of the EU accession.

The representatives of the Ukrainian IP Office and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) met in Geneva, where the 65th series of meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPOis taking place. The meeting outcome was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies of the two countries.

The Ukrainian delegation included Olena Orliuk, Director of the IP Office, her First Deputy Bogdan Paduchak, and Deputy Vladyslav Bilotskyi.

The Moldovan side was represented by Eugeniu Rusu, Director General of AGEPI, Diana Stici, Head of Legal Department, and Victoria Plesca, Head of the International Relations and European Integration Division Communication.

Taking into account the active process of harmonization of national intellectual property legislation with the EU acquis in both countries, as well as the European Commission's Enlargement Package and the start of negotiations on Ukraine's and the Republic of Moldova's accession to the EU, the parties agreed to deepen bilateral cooperation.

In particular, in the following areas:

  • Exchange of information on normative acts, practices, and procedures in the field of intellectual property;Exchange of information regarding the implementation of the activities related to the harmonization of Ukrainian and Moldovan IP legislation with the EU acquis in the field of intellectual property;
  • Exchange of publications, including Official Bulletins and Annual Reports in the field of intellectual property;
  • Exchange of experience to strengthen the capacity of the Offices in the process of examination and grant of protection to intellectual property objects;
  • Exchange of information in the field of enforcement of intellectual property rights, namely in combating counterfeiting and piracy in physical and digital markets;
  • Exchange of experience and best practices in the IP and innovation sphere, development of initiatives aimed at ensuring the recovery and sustainable development of the IP sphere and the innovation and creative sectors;
  • Exchange of experience and best practices on the impact of IP on economic, industrial, scientific and technological development;
  • Exchange of experience in the use of emerging technologies, in particular blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, in the administration and protection of IP rights;
  • Transfer of knowledge and experiences in awareness-raising activities in the field of intellectual property;
  • Organization of seminars, workshops, roundtables, and other joint educational events on the role of intellectual property in innovation and economic growth.

During the signing of the document, Olena Orliuk expressed her gratitude to the Moldovan colleagues for their willingness to deepen close cooperation with Ukraine. She also congratulated Moldova on the start of negotiations on EU accession, which also provides new opportunities for development, including in the field of intellectual property.

“This Memorandum is about many areas for cooperation, new joint projects to promote and protect IP rights in Moldova and Ukraine. But the most important is that it about our common path of EU acquis harmonization and close partnership and friendship.

The russian war of aggression against Ukraine has an extremely negative impact on Ukrainian economy. WIPO Report and our own publications and project reports from TISC Network, IP Mediation and IP Academy show us how the IP sphere works in the face of such challenges. You can look at our Annual Report, which will be on our web site, and on our IP dashboard information to see numbers and our activity. No sector, no institution is safe from war.

Monday`s tragic events in Okhamdyt and across Ukraine have shown that nothing stops the Russians but our own power and the support of our partners. And when people tell us that IP is not important, I answer that it is all about our survival, about the fact that we need to preserve both people and their creativity. I am sure that our fruitful cooperation within the scope of the Memorandum will provide support for our countries in the accession process and help our stakeholders and societies on their way to economic and social growth and stability”, - emphasized Olena Orliuk.

The Memorandum of Understanding was concluded for 5 years with the possibility of automatic prolongation for the same period.


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UANIPIO’s bank details

We would like to inform you about the new bank details of the National Intellectual Property Authority – the State Organization “Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovation” (UANIPIO) for fees payment related to the protection of intellectual property rights provided by the Procedure for fees payment related to the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1716 dated December 23, 2004.

New UANIPIO’s bank details for fees payment related to the protection of industrial property rights
Bank accounts for payment of state fees (granting patents and trademarks certificates; industrial property) and fees (in the copyright sphere) remain valid:

We remind you that changes related to the process of transformation and transfer of the National Intellectual Property Authority’s functions from Ukrpatent to UANIPIO  based on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 28, 2022, No. 943 “Some issues of the National Intellectual Property Authority”.

From November 8, 2022, the State Organization “Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations” (UANIPIO) is the entity performing the functions of the National Intellectual Property Authority.

Useful info

Attention users!

At the request of the applicants to the National Intellectual Property Authority, we publish the Statute of UANIPIO and an Еxtract from the Register of Non-Profit Institutions and Organizations. We also inform you that on December 5, 2022, the non-profit code was changed. Documents are available in Ukrainian only.

Згадуємо ключові події за участі української делегації у 65-й серії засідань Асамблей держав-членів ВОІВ, яка тривала з 9 по 17 липня 2024 року.

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