During the meeting, Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director of the IP Office and representatives of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland focused on deepening bilateral cooperation between the Ukrainian and Polish IP offices and exchanged experiences on aligning legislation with the EU acquis.
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland was represented by:
- Ms. Edyta Demby-Siwek, President,
- Ms. Jagoda Janiak, Head of Foreign Affairs,
- Ms. Magdalena Wróbel Czarnecka, Head of the International Cooperation Department
The meeting took place on September 19, 2024, as part of the working visit of the Ukrainian IP office’s representative to Poland.
Bogdan Paduchak emphasized that following the approval of the Government of Ukraine’s Action Plan for implementing the European Commission’s recommendations, presented in the Ukraine Progress Report under the 2023 EU Enlargement Package, there has been intensified work to align our national legislation and practices with the EU acquis - a crucial condition for Ukraine's full EU membership. The Government Plan identifies 350 measures to implement the European Commission's recommendations, 14 of which relate to intellectual property.
“Ukraine has already submitted two reports to the EU Commision on national reforms, including under Chapter 7 “IP Law”. In October 2024, we expect a new progress report from the EU Commission, but the hard work certainly doesn’t end there. Constant discussion and support from our friends who have already undergone this path of European integration are invaluable”, - noted Bogdan Paduchak.
He added that preparations for the screening under Chapter 7 “Intellectual Property Rights” within the framework of Ukraine's accession to the EU is one of the priority issues for the Ukrainian IP office.
The President of the Polish IP Office, Edyta Dęmbi-Siwek, expressed her full support for Ukraine and the IP community in the context of the war, assuring further close cooperation and willingness to provide expert assistance to the Ukrainian IP sphere on its way to the EU. Bogdan Paduchak thanked all colleagues and friends from the Polish Patent Office for supporting Ukraine from the first days of the war.
Edita Demby-Sivek and Bohdan Paduchak
Key topics discussed during the meeting:
- Changes in national applicant activity after Poland’s accession to the EU.
- The approach to the examination of patents, trademarks, designs, and other IP rights before and after joining the EU.
- Protection of national and EU GIs, new EU regulations on Craft and Industrial GIs, and Ukraine's progressive practices in this area.
- Collaboration with the business community and stakeholders to support their adaptation to the EU IP rules.
- Organizational impacts of EU membership on the operations of the Polish Patent Office.
- Cooperation with EUIPO and EPO after Poland joined the EU and the EPC.
- How the professional landscape of patent attorneys has evolved since joining the EPC, and measures to support IP community during the EU integration process.
- Continued cooperation within World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO and CEBS Regional Group.
- Preparations for the upcoming DLT DipConf this November.