The partners of the Ukrpatent - Clarivate Analytics, American Chemical Society (ACS), Research4Life project) - are the providers of foreign commercial information resources which ensure Ukrpatent examiners with access to the PCT minimum documentation (patent documentation and non-patent literature) via the Internet. The use of the aforementioned resources is necessary for a quality information search, in particular in the context of Ukrpatent functioning as the International Searching Authority (ISA) and the International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA).
According to Deputy Head of the Information Support Division of Ukrpatent Oksana Parkheta, Clarivate Analytics, American Chemical Society (ACS), and Research4Life project join the global community in condemning Russia’s attack on Ukraine and have announced their support and admiration for Ukrpatent uninterrupted operations.
The providers have already taken specific support steps for Ukrpatent and users from Ukraine:
The Research4Life project (Switzerland) publisher partners have taken steps to expand access to information resources for Ukrainian institutions. Thus, the Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program coordinated by WIPO and subscribed to by Ukrpatent, together with its partners in the publishing industry, additionally made available free complimentary online access to 15 scientific and technical journals that were not previously available to users in Ukraine including those from the list of non-patent literature of the PCT minimum documentation, as well as the possibility of free use of content in 2022. All organizations and institutions from Ukraine using programs within the Research4Life project were provided with free access to them.
The American Chemical Society (ACS) (USA) the products of which provide online access to articles published in scientific and technical journals of the American Chemical Society, including journals from the list of non-patent literature of the PCT minimum documentation, has ceased all commercial sales of products and ACS services to Russian research organizations and aligns its activities with the US sanctions towards the Russian Federation as a whole, and informed Ukrpatent about providing free access to its resource in 2022. ACS will also provide free access to ACS journals to Ukrainian researchers throughout 2022 via Research4Life project.
Clarivate Analytics (UK) providing Ukrpatent with access to the Derwent World Patent Index Database (DWPI) through the EPOQUE Nets system has announced the closure of its office in Russia and has made the decision to cease commercial activity there and is currently considering the possibility of ensuring continuous access of Ukrpatent to the resource. The company is working continuously to understand the needs of Ukrainian users to provide support during this incredibly difficult time.